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Potty Training Your Toddler While Caring for a Newborn: Essential Tips

Potty training is a significant milestone in your toddler’s development, but it can seem overwhelming when you have a newborn to care for simultaneously. With patience, planning, and the right strategies, you can successfully navigate this dual challenge. Here are essential tips to help you manage potty training while nurturing your newborn.

1. Timing Is Everything

Timing is crucial for successful potty training. Start the process when your toddler shows signs of readiness, such as:

  • Staying dry for longer periods
  • Expressing discomfort in soiled diapers
  • Showing interest in using the toilet

If possible, initiate potty training before your newborn arrives to avoid introducing too many changes at once.

2. Consistency and Routine

Consistency is key to potty training success. Establish a regular potty routine that aligns with your toddler’s natural schedule. Encourage them to use the potty at specific times, like after meals or before bedtime. Consistent reminders and positive reinforcement can help create a habit.

3. Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement can work wonders during potty training. Celebrate your toddler’s successes, no matter how small. Offer verbal praise, stickers, or small rewards as incentives. This positive approach can motivate your child and make the process more enjoyable.

4. Involve Your Toddler in Baby Care

Make your toddler feel like a big sibling by involving them in caring for the newborn. Encourage them to help with tasks like fetching diapers, choosing outfits, or singing lullabies. This involvement can boost their sense of responsibility and reduce potential jealousy.

5. Make Use of Baby Gear

Utilize baby gear to assist you during potty training. For example, while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your newborn, use a comfortable nursing chair with a potty nearby. You can also use a baby carrier like the M1 Carrier to keep your newborn close while helping your toddler with the potty.

6. Plan for Accidents

Accidents are a part of potty training, so be prepared. Keep spare clothing, cleaning supplies, and plastic covers handy for easy cleanup. Stay patient and avoid scolding your toddler for accidents, as it can create anxiety around potty training.

7. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to seek support from friends and family. Enlist the help of a trusted caregiver or partner to assist with newborn care while you focus on potty training. A support system can alleviate some of the stress associated with this dual challenge.

8. Gradual Transition

Remember that potty training is a gradual process. It’s okay to take breaks or temporarily pause training if it becomes too overwhelming. Regressions are normal. Focus on creating a positive and supportive environment for your toddler.


Potty training your toddler while caring for a newborn presents unique challenges, but it’s entirely achievable with patience and a well-thought-out plan. Each child is different, and progress may vary. Be flexible, stay positive, and celebrate every step forward in your toddler’s potty training journey. With your love and guidance, your toddler will successfully transition to independent potty use, making life with two little ones more manageable and enjoyable.

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