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Toddler Milestones & Safety Tips: Encouraging Walking Safely with Lascal

Watching your toddler take their first steps is one of the most exciting milestones for any parent. This period of newfound mobility comes with plenty of joy- and its fair share of challenges. As your little one transitions from crawling to walking, it’s very important to create a safe and supportive environment that encourages their development while keeping them safe. Here are some tips on how you can encourage your toddler’s walking journey.

1. Provide a safe space for exploration:
Toddlers learn best by doing, so make sure you create a safe space at home where they can practice walking. Babyproof the area by removing any sharp objects, covering furniture corners, and ensuring there’s nothing on the floor that could trip them up.

2. Use push toys for support:
If your toddler is still finding their balance, push toys can give them something to hold onto while they gain more confidence. These toys allow them to move around safely, giving them the stability they need as they strengthen their legs and coordination.

3. Stay close during outdoor walks:
When you venture outside, it’s important to stay nearby as your toddler explores. Their curiosity often leads them to new places quickly, and as they’re still mastering walking, staying close ensures you can assist them or catch them if needed.

4. Remove socks and avoid slippery surfaces:
Socks can make it easy for toddlers to slip, especially on hardwood or tiled floors. When indoors, encourage your toddler to go barefoot or use non-slip socks to give them better traction as they explore, and stay clear of slippery surfaces. This small adjustment can make a big difference in preventing falls and help your toddler gain confidence.

5. Add a BuggyBoard to ease the strain on outings
Juggling a stroller and a newly walking toddler can be tricky. With the BuggyBoard, your toddler has the option to ride along when they’re too tired to walk, giving you more control over your outing while keeping them safe an  d happy. As your toddler becomes more active, they’ll also need short breaks between bursts of energy. The BuggyBoard provides the perfect resting spot for when they want to take a break from walking but still want to be close to you.

Encouraging your toddler to walk is an exciting time, but safety always comes first. By providing a secure environment, you’ll help your little one build the confidence to master their walking skills. The Lascal BuggyBoard is a fantastic tool to help during this transition. Stay safe and enjoy those precious first steps!

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